We can power our house with the energy created by ourselves. We'll never need a password. Mind reading is no longer science fiction. The digital divide will cease to exist. Junk mail can become far post of the utmost importance.
Here, in summary, the technological innovations that will change our view in the next five years. A predictable and, as every year, IBM Five in Five that drafted, based on social and market trends, as well as on emerging technologies.
The energy comes in all forms and can come from everything around us: IBM expected that advances in technology related to renewable energy will allow individuals to take up this kinetic energy, which is now being wasted, and use it to help feed homes, workplaces and cities.
Password goodbye. According to the company, there will be no need to create, track or remember different passwords for different logins. The key? Exploiting the unique biological identity of each person: biometrics - facial definition, retinal scanning and voice files - will be combined using software to build your online passwords unique DNA, in complete safety.
Mind reading is a utopia for decades for fans of science fiction, but their desire may soon come true. Scientists at IBM are conducting research on the brain how to connect to devices such as computers or smart phones. Just think of calling someone and the call is made. Bioinformatics scientists have designed headphones with advanced sensors to read the electrical activity of the brain can recognize facial expressions, excitement, levels of concentration and thoughts of a person without any action which is carried out physically. Within 5 years, by the promise, we will begin to see the first applications of this technology in the field of games and entertainment.
But in five years, including the digital divide will shrink considerably, thanks to advances in mobile technology. Today the world has 7 billion inhabitants. In five years there will be 5.6 billion mobile devices sold, which means that 80% of the current global population will own a mobile device. As will become cheaper to own a phone, people without a lot of buying power can do much more than they do today. In India, for example, using voice technology and mobile devices, IBM has allowed the illiterate inhabitants of rural villages to circulate information through recorded messages on their phones.
According to Five in Five, including the spam's days are numbered. In five years, unsolicited advertising might look like personalized and relevant to do away with spam. At the same time, spam filters are so precise that we will not be disturbed by unwanted product presentations. IBM is developing a technology that uses real-time analytics to understand and integrate data from all aspects of your life, such as preferences and social networks online, and recommending to present useful information only for you.