The smallest thread in silicon - which measures four atoms in width and height of an atom - were made at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, and illustrated in the journal Science.
According to the study, despite the extremely small diameter - 10,000 times thinner than a human hair - this theme has outstanding electrical properties equal to the same electrical current carrying capacity of copper.
The researchers tested the electrical resistivity of their discovery - that the measure of the ease with which electric current can flow - proving that it does not depend on the width of the wire. This means that even for the "nanowires" Ohm's law applies.
Achieved by placing a silicon crystal many atoms of phosphorus, lined up in long chains and separated by only a millionth of a millimeter, the world's smallest thread opens up the possibility of connecting the components of the atomic-scale quantum computers. The thread of silicon could in fact be used for addressing individual atoms that form the computational units of these machines of the future.
At the following link you can watch a video about the discovery with Professor Michelle Simmons interviews the student and the Bent Weber https://tv.unsw.edu.au/video/down-to-the-wire.