Galileo, the European satellite navigation system, gave the first signal from its launch last October 21. By the Politecnico di Torino and Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, among the first to receive and decode the navigation test of the first of two satellites, it was learned that the signal was traced the band scheduled to open, free service, called Open Service and present on the E1 band. The latter will be used as early as 2014, when the system begins to operate, and it was possible to receive the signal through a receiver software developed by the scholars in Turin.
At the time, the tests focus on the first of the satellites, Galileo-FM2, but expects the launch of a second pair of satellites in 2014. The aim of the work of the Polytechnic Institute Boella of NavSAS (Navigation Signal Analysis and Simulation) and Esa (European Space Agency) is primarily a satellite navigation service free of charge for ambulances and police continued, capable of running in emergency situations or in extremely critical.