Samsung made headline in the past month with the release of the highly anticipated device the Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone. The phone has fresh out of the box ideas and tweaks while still hold onto some that strongly stood out in its predecessor the Galaxy S II. The Galaxy S III has a bigger screen that is 0.3' more than the previous model which as 4.5' wide. It has RAM of 1GB that supports the Android 4.0.4 ICS (ice cream sandwich) OS. All these are nice features that give this full touch AMOLED display phone a seamless function when operated.
A unique element in this gadget is the space it offer the user to add personal touches to how it should operate. Since, all commands are done on the screen, from unlocking, to texting, surfing the internet, and other tasks, one can customize the background to suite their tastes. This works to add a personal feel, quick access of favored apps, or speedy implementation of instructions. You need to look for Samsung Galaxy S III accessories such as a screen protector for the display to maintain a crisp clean, smooth display.
Unlocking the display will display the background that has a nature theme with sounds, something evident in the selling ad-tag for the phone. Other than that, the theme is ok though adds little to the overall features of the background. Similar to other phones in this category, you can tweak the home screen to have several of them in the Smartphone's display. The widgets and apps can all be added to a home screen for quick access and this is under the support of the ICS launcher.
The previous model gave the user the freedom to create folders by dragging an application on top of another, and adding others into that folder. That is not that same case with the Galaxy S III, you have to create a new folder from the menu option and then drag the app you want to add into it. Likewise you can hide and, or organize several applications and widgets according to a number of parameter.
For those who would like it, wallpapers in the phone are a great option to add color and essence to the home screen background. Conversely, you can go online to the Samsung online store or the android app store and download the wallpaper that appeal to your tastes. The phone also will let you edit a picture to the size or look then use it as the wallpaper. That applies on the images you have in the gallery, or in the aps. The phone has a smart stay feature that will downplay the need of a screensaver, because it keep the screen bright as you look at the phone. That function however will not limit you from opting to add a screensaver of choice.
If you have picture in another device that you would like to add to your phone, you could use the Samsung Galaxy S III data cable to connect to the device. Nonetheless, this will matter if the two devices are attuned. The general performance of this gadget will require high usage of the battery, therefore, a spare Samsung Galaxy S III charger will be a wise option. The Galaxy S3 cases, Samsung Galaxy S3 holster and the Samsung Galaxy S3 covers are some of the best protective accessories for this device.
A unique element in this gadget is the space it offer the user to add personal touches to how it should operate. Since, all commands are done on the screen, from unlocking, to texting, surfing the internet, and other tasks, one can customize the background to suite their tastes. This works to add a personal feel, quick access of favored apps, or speedy implementation of instructions. You need to look for Samsung Galaxy S III accessories such as a screen protector for the display to maintain a crisp clean, smooth display.
Unlocking the display will display the background that has a nature theme with sounds, something evident in the selling ad-tag for the phone. Other than that, the theme is ok though adds little to the overall features of the background. Similar to other phones in this category, you can tweak the home screen to have several of them in the Smartphone's display. The widgets and apps can all be added to a home screen for quick access and this is under the support of the ICS launcher.
The previous model gave the user the freedom to create folders by dragging an application on top of another, and adding others into that folder. That is not that same case with the Galaxy S III, you have to create a new folder from the menu option and then drag the app you want to add into it. Likewise you can hide and, or organize several applications and widgets according to a number of parameter.
For those who would like it, wallpapers in the phone are a great option to add color and essence to the home screen background. Conversely, you can go online to the Samsung online store or the android app store and download the wallpaper that appeal to your tastes. The phone also will let you edit a picture to the size or look then use it as the wallpaper. That applies on the images you have in the gallery, or in the aps. The phone has a smart stay feature that will downplay the need of a screensaver, because it keep the screen bright as you look at the phone. That function however will not limit you from opting to add a screensaver of choice.
If you have picture in another device that you would like to add to your phone, you could use the Samsung Galaxy S III data cable to connect to the device. Nonetheless, this will matter if the two devices are attuned. The general performance of this gadget will require high usage of the battery, therefore, a spare Samsung Galaxy S III charger will be a wise option. The Galaxy S3 cases, Samsung Galaxy S3 holster and the Samsung Galaxy S3 covers are some of the best protective accessories for this device.
About the Author:
Galaxy S iii covers can help keep your smart phone protected. Click here are not always used for protection.