If you keep up with all of the latest cellular market news you already know that, as far as popularity is concerned, the Android OS is rapidly gaining on the iPhone and Blackberry OSes. This might be because the Android OS is used in lots of different phones. It could also be because this OS is always being developed and upgraded which makes it a lot more competitive with the other smart phones that are being sold. The Android phone is also set apart from its major competitors, the iPhone and the Blackberry, because they are incredibly varied and come in a bunch of different types, styles and software extensions. Here is some interesting information about the Android/Google phones that you might not know already.
Android cellphones have numerous of the same apps that are available on the Apple iphone, like cellphone monitoring applications. It has added to their popularity.
One website insists that Google is not the original creator of the Android OS. Yes, today Google gets all the credit for these phones. Lots of people refer to the phones simply as "Google phones" when they research them. The Android OS is actually invented by Andy Rubin and Rich Miner (at least, according to our research). Google bought the OS from them after they invented it in 2003. In spite of the 2003 purchase, Google decided to sit on the OS for a few years while it was further developed and improved and readied for the cellular market. Typically, Android OS phones are more affordable than other smart phones. It usually costs at least a few hundred dollars to buy an iPhone or a Blackberry. Meanwhile, many cellular providers are allowing their customers to get free upgrades to Android phones when they renew their contracts. This means that you have all of the smart phone options that other phone owners have but you won't spend as much money. Helping people save money is a great way to shine brighter than the competitors. Why would you spend hundreds of dollars if that can be avoided?
Believe it or not, the Android OS is based on the Linux OS. Linux is an open source operating system that people use instead of Windows or Mac OSes. There are lots of rumors to sort through about why Google wanted the OS so much. Everybody knows that Google and Microsoft are rivals. Is it any wonder that they would snap up a system that was based after one of the main challengers to the Windows system? A major benefit to using an open source system like Linux is that anybody can work on it and develop it further. This allows the company to keep their costs low and their profits sky high.
Being able to multi-task between applications is a major selling point that helps Android compete against the crazily popular iPhones. IPhone users can only access one app at a time, though it is possible to multi task that one app with any or all of the basic phone functions: calls, music and internet. That illustrates pretty much the only multi-tasking the phone is capable of doing. The Android phones, however, can run multiple apps with no problems at all. The nice thing about the Android operating system is that it is always evolving to stay relevant in a rapidly changing market. Not all of the wireless OS creators can say that. It is quite comforting to know that, with how fast the cell phone market changes, your cell phone's OS creator is working to keep your phone relevant. The last thing you want is to get stuck with a phone that can't keep up with the changes! With so many options available, who do you want in your corner: the versatile and affordable or the stuck in the mud and expensive?
Android cellphones have numerous of the same apps that are available on the Apple iphone, like cellphone monitoring applications. It has added to their popularity.
One website insists that Google is not the original creator of the Android OS. Yes, today Google gets all the credit for these phones. Lots of people refer to the phones simply as "Google phones" when they research them. The Android OS is actually invented by Andy Rubin and Rich Miner (at least, according to our research). Google bought the OS from them after they invented it in 2003. In spite of the 2003 purchase, Google decided to sit on the OS for a few years while it was further developed and improved and readied for the cellular market. Typically, Android OS phones are more affordable than other smart phones. It usually costs at least a few hundred dollars to buy an iPhone or a Blackberry. Meanwhile, many cellular providers are allowing their customers to get free upgrades to Android phones when they renew their contracts. This means that you have all of the smart phone options that other phone owners have but you won't spend as much money. Helping people save money is a great way to shine brighter than the competitors. Why would you spend hundreds of dollars if that can be avoided?
Believe it or not, the Android OS is based on the Linux OS. Linux is an open source operating system that people use instead of Windows or Mac OSes. There are lots of rumors to sort through about why Google wanted the OS so much. Everybody knows that Google and Microsoft are rivals. Is it any wonder that they would snap up a system that was based after one of the main challengers to the Windows system? A major benefit to using an open source system like Linux is that anybody can work on it and develop it further. This allows the company to keep their costs low and their profits sky high.
Being able to multi-task between applications is a major selling point that helps Android compete against the crazily popular iPhones. IPhone users can only access one app at a time, though it is possible to multi task that one app with any or all of the basic phone functions: calls, music and internet. That illustrates pretty much the only multi-tasking the phone is capable of doing. The Android phones, however, can run multiple apps with no problems at all. The nice thing about the Android operating system is that it is always evolving to stay relevant in a rapidly changing market. Not all of the wireless OS creators can say that. It is quite comforting to know that, with how fast the cell phone market changes, your cell phone's OS creator is working to keep your phone relevant. The last thing you want is to get stuck with a phone that can't keep up with the changes! With so many options available, who do you want in your corner: the versatile and affordable or the stuck in the mud and expensive?
About the Author:
Tracking text messages is so easy with with cell monitoring software. You can see everything someone does on their cell phone!